About Terry McGill
About Terry McGill

In 1994, Terry experienced a life-threatening condition and was able to partially recover. In 2005 the condition revisited, this time bringing memory loss in addition to very low energy.
In his search for healing options, he discovered an MD and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who was also a grandmaster of the ancient art of chi kung – life force energy. Within a few months of receiving teaching and transmissions plus doing daily exercises, Terry’s health improved. Then his memory also, but more slowly as he continued using the techniques.
Terry is now a certified teacher of the philosophy, science and practical techniques that gave him is life back. He teaches individuals and groups how to heal themselves with these practices.
Unexpectedly, his own students began to report spontaneous healings when in group or private sessions with Terry. Clients report that the powerful techniques combined with Terry’s voice and presence promote powerful, positive changes for them.

Ready to find out more?
If you have tried processes that didn't work for you — but haven't given up hope — contact me for the changes your heart longs for.